
When an application is installed via apt package management tool, you can start running the application when you type the application name in terminal, for example firefox.

But when you install the application with Flatpak utility you must run the Flatpak application using this command:

flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox


But when i want to authenticate my command-line sessions with GitHub using Github CLI Tool command gh auth login with HTTPS protocol and Login with a web browser options, i get this error:

! Failed opening a web browser at
  exec: "firefox": executable file not found in $PATH
  Please try entering the URL in your browser manually

Note: At first the firefox browser was installed using Snap packages. I uninstalled the Snap package and installed the firefox browser Flatpak package. I think i am getting this error because of this.

I get this error because github CLI tool is trying to run firefox <url> command and cannot find executable file not in $PATH.

When i looked at the github CLI source code and the browser_linux.go file, is saw that the OpenBrowser method is calling the first available “xdg-open”, “x-www-browser”, “www-browser”, “wslview” command to open “" url. I think xdg-open command is running the firefox command.

Flatpak stores installed applications in /var/lib/flatpak/app folder [Lubuntu 23.04]. However, this folder is not included in the PATH when you install the applications with flatpak. So you cannot run firefox using firefox command.


In order to fix this issue we will create a bash file in a folder that is listed in the PATH.

You can see the folders that are included in PATH using echo $PATH command in linux:

echo $PATH

the output is:


The PATH has /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin folders. So i decided to use /usr/local/bin folder.

We will create the firefox bash file that will execute flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox command in the /usr/local/bin folder (the bash file will be: /usr/local/bin/firefox).

1. Go to the folder

Go to the /usr/local/bin folder:

cd /usr/local/bin

2. Create firefox file using nano:

Create the firefox bash file using nano:

sudo nano firefox

And then paste the following content then save and exit:


flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox $@

$@ is a special variable that represents all the positional parameters passed to the script. This gets all the arguments passed to firefox and passed all the arguments to flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox command. gh auth login opens the authentication page with this command: firefox "". So $@ will be used for passing the URL argument

3. Make the file executable

You should make the firefox bash file executable otherwise you will not be able to run it. To make a file executable in Linux, you need to use the chmod command, which stands for “change mode.” The chmod command allows you to change the permissions of a file. Here is how you can make a file executable:

sudo chmod +x firefox

The +x is an option used to grant execute permission to a file. The + symbol indicates that you are adding permission. The x stands for the execute permission.

Now you can use firefox command to open Firefox from terminal. The second parameter is the URL that you want to open in browser.

firefox ""

If this command works successfully then the gh auth login with Login with a web browser options will work successfully too.

Finally the problem is fixed

Run gh auth login command. Then choose HTTPS protocol and Login with a web browser options. And then “Press Enter to open in your browser” will be prompted. When you press enter, “" URL will be opened in your firefox browser. When you enter the one-time code which is prompted in terminal in “Enter the code displayed on your device” textbox in the “Device Activation” Github page, press “Authorize Github” button and login with your github password, then your device will be connected to github.

? What account do you want to log into?
? You're already logged into Do you want to re-authenticate? Yes
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations? HTTPS
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: XXXX-XXXX
Press Enter to open in your browser... 
✓ Authentication complete.
- gh config set -h git_protocol https
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as xxxxxx

Thanks for reading.

Happy coding!